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Title FireVu Detector Standalone Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
Thermal threshold exceeded. A thermal alarm is generated if this condition occurs.
Segmentation boxes
Low/High light or High motion warning condition. Smoke detection temporarily
Consequently, at the start of a smoke detection event you may see yellow rectangles appear and
these may change colour to orange and then red, as the smoke detection event actually takes
Similarly, at the start of a flame detection even you may see cyan rectangle appear, followed by
magenta rectangle for the actual flame detection event.
A green rectangle means that a high temperature has been detected (above the trigger value set in
the FireVu Multidetector).
Grey rectangles will appear when either the light level is too high or too low for smoke detection to
take place. They will also appear if people or machinery is moving in the field of view of the
detector. In these cases, smoke detection will be temporarily suppressed in the zones highlighted
(smoke detection will work in all other zones without grey rectangles), while the grey rectangles are
displayed. In the case of movement of people or machinery the grey rectangles will disappear
about 30 seconds after movement stops, indicating that smoke detection has been enabled once
Advanced Configuration
The contents of this section of this manual will not be needed normally during most FireVu
standalone installations as any adjustments made to the FireVu detectors using the web pages
mentioned in this section will be carried out by FireVu engineers, during remote commissioning.
However, they are included in this manual to assist more experienced installers of FireVu systems
and to aid in the understanding of the capabilities of the product and how it actually works.
Adjustments should not be made to any of the settings described in this section, unless
training from NetVu Ltd has been previously received, particularly in the FireVu Dashboard as
incorrect settings may seriously affect the ability of the product to function properly.
Access to the setting of FireVu detectors is achieved through web pages which can be accessed
using browser software, as mentioned in earlier sections of this manual. Having connected to a
detector, selected “Configuration” and having supplied the corre
ct credentials the main
configuration page of the detector will be displayed: