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Title FireVu Detector Standalone Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
Select the desired zone.
Position the mouse pointer at the top left-hand corner of the zone and then left click.
Move the mouse to the bottom right-hand corner of the zone and then right click.
A rectangle will then be displayed based on these two selected points.
Clicking Reload Img (Red) will reload the image behind the grid editor.
Clicking Clear All (Green) will clear (i.e. de-select) all the zones in the grid editor.
Clicking Default Grid (Yellow) will create 16 equally sized zones in a 4 x 4 grid with zone 1 in the
top left-hand corner and zone 16 in the bottom right-hand corner.
Click the Save button when you have finished, in order to save the changes that you have made.
– Schedule page
The page configures how the NVR will move between two modes, SET and UNSET.
Using these two modes the detector can respond to the same stimuli (alarms, VMD etc.) in
different ways, depending on whether the detector is SET or UNSET.
Use Timer for Set/Unset: When ticked, the times configured above will be used to change the
detector from the Set to the Unset condition and vice versa.