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Title FireVu Detector Standalone Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
Firewall Web-page
This page prevents unauthorised remote access to the detector.
Telnet: If ticked, prevents remote users from logging in to Telnet if no username/password is set
FTP: If ticked, prevents remote users from logging in to FTP if no username/password is set up.
Config Menus: If ticked, prevents remote users from logging in to Configuration Menus if no
username/password is set up.
ARC Configuration Web-page
The remote reporting function is used to send messages to an external device (e.g. an Alarm
Receiving Centre (ARC), or building management / VMS server). The messages are sent as plain
text in a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) like format over the network using TCP.
The ARC Configuration Web-page is used to set-up the remote reporting function.
It is strongly recommended that all the remote reporting options are enabled (i.e. check; Remote
alarm, Remote camfail, Remote Startup and ARC Ping Enabled tick boxes).