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Title FireVu Detector Standalone Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
Select the “ Protect ” button.
Check the boxes to ensure the required times are listed as protected, and that the lower
box shows them as being protected until “2038”.
Example below shows a single entry for a smoke test for one channel performed between
09.00 and 09.05 on 20th November, 2017.
Downloading the Smoke Test Footage
Although the smoke test footage is now safe from being over written, it should also be
downloaded and archived in case of hard drive failure or accidental deletion from the FireVu
equipment. This MUST include the 60 second “run
in” time in the same manner as the footage was
This is done by extracting the relevant PAR files from the FireVu detector or Annunciator record
media. There are several methods of extracting these files not all of which are appropriate, (or
possible), for ALL variants of the FireVu product range. Consequently, the method covered here is
chosen because it applies equally to the entire FireVu product range, both current and legacy
To download the required footage, follow the below process:
Using either a PC on site or your laptop with Enterprise Observer viewing software loaded
open that software.
Ensure that you can connect to the detectors from which you want to download footage,
using the Enterprise observer software. The process of connecting is described on pages 33
35 of this manual.
Select live images from the first detector to be downloaded
Ensure there is a blank DVD in the local PC drive and that it is writeable, or some other
media for the download, such as a USB stick.
Click on the red disk symbol in the Events window of the Enterprise Observer Software.
A download time and date window will open