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Title FireVu Detector Standalone Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
Conversely, there are applications where cheaper more conventional solutions simply cannot offer
an effective detection solution and here FireVu is often the best or even the only viable solution.
Such environments and applications include, but are not restricted to:
Any area with very large air spaces where smoke will stratify before reaching ceiling
mounted detectors or high-up beam detectors.
Any area with large amounts of complex machinery.
Any area of machinery that produces an oil haze or that is too hot for point detection.
Outdoor applications.
Any area which cannot support other forms of early detection for aesthetic reasons.
Any area where an intrusive form of detection cannot be used and detectors can only be
installed where they would need to look through viewing glass, for example in hazardous or
radioactive areas. It should be noted that a distorted image will not affect flame detection
by FireVu detectors, so long as any glass is sufficiently transparent. However, the
thermopile sensor in the FireVu Multi-Detector will NOT work through glass.
Areas where chemical fires produce smoke which damages obscuration type detectors,
(yellow phosphorous for instance produces an acid when mixed with moist air).
Areas where health and safety requirements make the installation of conventional forms of
fire detection difficult or expensive.
Situations to avoid when using FireVu
FireVu is a visual based Fire detection system and as a consequence any phenomena which share
the visual properties of smoke, or results in pixel by pixel changes within an image similarly to
smoke, will be identified as smoke by FireVu.
This does not mean there are environments where FireVu should not be used, but certain
considerations must be taken as to whether a FireVu detector should be configured to monitor its
entire view or whether a form of masking should be employed to “ignore” certain areas.
Below is a list of the types of areas where care needs to be exercised in deciding where to monitor:
Where background smoke levels are very high such as welding processes or excessive diesel
smoke from forklift trucks etc. (reasonable levels of background smoke can be tolerated).
Lighting conditions likely to cause camera flare or saturation of the camera sensor.
Where the detector is required to view through things such as mesh fences, blinds, railings,
frosted glass and other items likely to obscure or cause deterioration of the image. It
should be noted that a distorted image will not affect flame detection by the FireVu
detectors, so long as any glass is sufficiently transparent. However, the thermopile sensor
in the FireVu Multi-Detector will NOT work through glass.
Lighting levels which are lower than the detector is capable of dealing with.