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Title FireVu Detector Standalone Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
This can be used to update the software of the detector, install PowerScript files etc.
Click on Browse to select the files to be uploaded from your computer.
Upload Path: Used to select directory the files will be uploaded.
Some Examples below.
1. /mdd0/upgrade for upgrade products.
2. /mdd0/gui/frmpages for frm pages.
3. /mdd0/gui/json for json file update.
4. /mdd0/qnc for PowerScript files.
When you are ready click on
“Upload” to upload files.
Time and Date
System Time: The current system time and date is displayed.
Current Time Zone: Displays the currently selected time zone settings.
Time Zone: Select the relevant time zone offset from the accompanying drop-down menu.
Date Format: As default, the date is entered dd/mm/yy. It can also be displayed as mm/dd/yy or
Reset (Red): Resets the unit.
Time Format: As default, the time displayed is in 12-hour format. This can be changed to 24-hour if