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Title FireVu Detector Standalone Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
If you set usernames and passwords for the detector, enter those on this screen and then click on
The “Video Password” and the “Download Password” must correspond to the “Remote User”
password for the Username configured in the detector.
The “Configuration Password” must correspond to the “Menu Configuration” password for the
Username configured in the detector.
Having set the credentials you should be able to see images from the detector.
Double clicking on the IP address of the detector in the temporary servers list should cause two
camera icons to appear underneath the IP address. The first icon will show live colour images from
the video smoke detector and the second icon will show flame detection images from the video
flame detector.
Click on a camera icon to view the video images, or drag an icon on to the video window of the
Enterprise Observer software.
With the ability to see live video images from the detectors their position and view can then be
checked before the start of remote commissioning.
Pre-Commissioning Checklist
A pre-commissioning check list will be included with Scope of Works that accompanies all FireVu
Installations. In advance of arranging the start of remote commissioning with NetVu you should run
through this checklist to make sure that all works are in place and that the FireVu system is ready.