3-12 Using Setup
Save Settings and Exit
Accepts changes made to current, or default settings and exits Setup.
Exit Without Saving
Reverts to the previously selected settings and exits Setup.
As you have seen in this chapter, Setup allows you to use the factory set
power savings level (Longest Life), or choose between High Perform, Cus-
tom, or Off. Each provides a special value to your current work effort.
These power management levels have been designed with you in mind. For
example, you can use them under the following circumstances:
Longest Life — Provides best battery life and good performance. Use
while traveling long distances.
High Perform — Provides best performance and good battery life. Use
while on the road, traveling short distances.
Custom — You decide! Set power management levels according to your
own needs and present environment.
Off — Office environment, using AC power.
See the online documentation in the Windows NEC Information group under
the NEC Versa 6060 Help Center for a lengthier discussion of Power Man-
agement. See the following section for information on how using the special
Save to File (STF) feature can benefit you.
Using the Save to File (STF) Feature
STF is a feature that protects the integrity of your working files. For exam-
ple, if you get urgently called away from your system without saving the
current data, it automatically goes into Suspend mode. After 30 minutes
pass, and you don’t return, your working environment is saved to a special
file on your hard disk.