2-8 Introducing the Software
Client Manager
Client Manager provides the capability for managing components in your
NEC Versa computer. These components include network interface cards,
memory, printers, software applications etc. Client Manager provides you
with self-help diagnostics, including a PC health meter, local alerting of po-
tential problems and hardware and software inventory. (Windows 95 and
Windows NT)
Install Client by double clicking on the Install Intel Client icon on the Desk-
top screen. On screen instructions will guide you through the installation
Explore the features of LANDesk as follows:
, slide the cursor over to Programs, and locate LANDesk Cli-
ent Manager folder. In the folder, highlight the LANDesk Client Manager
line and press the VersaGlide selection button or tap the VersaGlide pad
press the VersaGlide selection button or tap the
VersaGlide pad once.
Highlight Contents, press the VersaGlide selection button or tap the
VersaGlide pad once.
This section introduces and guides you through the capabilities, features
and instructions on using LANDesk Client Manager.
LapLink helps you stay in touch with your home office system or get in
touch with other systems through infrared port, modem, network, or cable.
Use LapLink to transfer files, gain access to files on a remote system, or ex-
change written information with another user on a remote system. LapLink
even bridges the communication gap between Windows for Workgroups
3.11 and Windows 95 systems.
LapLink offers the following features:
File Transfer — lets you move or copy files between computers. To
speed file transfer, LapLink compares files being updated and transfers
only the changed information.