Glossary 5
Fast Page Mode
A mode that decrease cycle times by allowing the memory controller to ac-
cess other data bits which are in the same row address. This saves time by
not having to set up the next row address instruction. Data accessed in the
same row is referred to as a "page."
Fast Infrared. Using infrared technology Fast Infrared mode sends data at
4.0 Mbit/second (4 million bits per second).
A type of disk drive technology that uses a combination of magnetic and op-
tical techniques to achieve greater storage capacity than normal floppy disks
without sacrificing access speeds.
FM synthesis
A technique for synthesizing sound that uses a combination of modulated
sine waves to produce different waveforms.
function key
The set of keys on the keyboard (usually F1 through F12) that let you get
help and error message information or quickly select frequently used com-
hard disk
A rigid magnetic storage device that provides fast access to stored data.
The electrical and mechanical parts from which a computer is made.
(Hz) A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second.
hot key
Combination of two or three keys (such as
) that you press simul-
taneously for a particular function.