2-2 Understanding the Software
Microsoft Encarta 97 Encyclopedia*
Microsoft Best of Entertainment*
Microsoft Word*
Microsoft Greetings Workshop*
Microsoft Arcade*
Microsoft HPC Explorer*
Microsoft Net Meeting*
Microsoft S*
Online Services
America Online
AT & T WorldNet
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Official Airline Guide (OAG
Windows 95 gives you the newest features offered by
Microsoft, including a Desktop with room to maneuver, a
Taskbar for quick navigation between open windows, plug
and play features, online networking functions, and more.
The following icons are loaded on your desktop:
My Computer — provides access to drives, printers, the
control panel, and network features.
Inbox — lets you access the Microsoft fax and mail
software as well as Microsoft network services.
Recycle Bin — once you delete a file, it’s placed here,
providing a safety area for files deleted by mistake.
* Software only available in North America.