C-6 NECCSD Information Services
The information you requested is automatically sent to your
fax machine. Wait for the ordered document to arrive at
your fax machine before calling to order more documents. If
FaxFlash attempts to send the second order before the first
order is completed, the order may be canceled. After three
tries, FaxFlash assumes that your line is busy and termi-
nates any further processing of the order.
NECCSD Bulletin Board System (BBS)
(978) 635-4706
The NEC Electronic Bulletin Board System is a remote da-
tabase system containing files that are dedicated to enhanc-
ing the functions of NECCSD products. It also gives
general public access to drivers for NECCSD products for
use with various software applications.
If you have access to a modem, you can use the NECCSD
Bulletin Board Service (BBS) to get the latest information
on hardware and software. The BBS allows you to down-
load files (video drivers, printer drivers, BIOS updates, etc.)
for system enhancements and upgrades.
The BBS can also be accessed through the CompuServe
online service.
Logging On
Log onto the BBS as follows.
From the Windows desktop, click the
Point to Programs. Point to Accessories and then click
Double click the
icon. The HyperTermi-
nal program appears.