To add the necessary parameter to the memory of the device, select it and click the "Add" button.
Repeat these steps as many times as you need to add parameters.
In the poll table you should assign internal data storage register for each identifier. Tha data read from
the CAN bus will be recorded in this register. The data from the register may be transmitted to the server in the
form as they are, to do this check the box next to the desired register in the packet structure in the block
«CAN/Modbus Data Registers." The register can also participate in the events, for example, for comparison with
the value specified by the user.
After the settings are set and reboot is completed, a few parameters will be displayed in the "Value"
There are three options for the automatic transition to the power-saving mode:
If the object stopped and has not changed its position over the time specified by the
Is there is no external power supply – the device goes into sleep mode as soon as it
begins working on the built-in battery, and regardless of any factors, extraordinary data packet with
the "battery operation" flag is sent
When the ignition is switched off - the function is available only if the "ignition control"
function is assigned to one of the inputs. The When you turn off the ignition the device automatically
goes to the sleep mode.