Channel 1
Channel 2
External PORT 1
External PORT 2
Transmitters are automatically distributed among the ports. In a modification 4 a range of the
communication channels for the IRIDIUM (GLOBAL STAR) transmitter is available. To move to another channel,
you must double click on it with the left mouse button.
For each transmitter additional settings responsible conditions of data recording over time, on the
move, and other specific conditions, typical for each individual transmitter. These settings allow you to optimize
output traffic; it is especially true for satellite communication channels.
Recording parameter for GSM/GPRS/WiFi
[Packeges recording period when parking]
specifies the time interval, after which the next packet will
be recorded, while the vehicle is stationary. It is possible to increase the recording time after a certain time if
the subject is stationary for more than this time.
[Switch to the event recording mode] -
If the parameter is enabled, after a specified time sinse the
vehicle is stopped, the device stops packets recording to memory. The next data packet will be recorded when
appears the event, the source of which is a motion sensor, transition of analog inputs to the active state, the
disappearance of an external voltage.
[Sensibility of the accelerometer]
- The dimensionless quantity, which determines the threshold.
When this theshold is excessed, a flag denoting moving device is set. The threshold is adjusted experimentally. If
there are false responces while the vehicle is stationary with the engine running due to strong vibrations, this
parameter should be increased.
[Time of transmission to the stationary mode]
- If within the specified time the motion sensor is
inactive, the device switches to "stationary" mode.
[Package recording period while driving]
- specifies the time interval at which data packets will be
recorded when running speed is less than 10 km/h.
[Record packets, in each, m]
- When the speed is more than 10 km/h, packet recording interval is
determined by the traveled distance, which is proportional to the running speed. For example, at a speed lower
than 20 km/h, the parameter is 30 m, when the speed is more than 20 km/h and less than 40 km/h. packets will
be recorded every 60 m, at a speed of from 40 km/h to 60 km/h - 90 m.
[Enable filtering on a straight section]
- If this parameter is enabled, additional filtering of coordinates
is performed on a straight section, which leads to a decrease in the transmitted traffic. When moving in a
straight line off-course deviation is checked, and if it does not exceed the specified value, the coordinates are
not recorded in the memory of the device.
[The minimum speed at which the drawing on turns is enabled]
- determines the speed above which
the angle is checked. When speed on turns is lower, the coordinates will not be recorded.
[Minimum angle]
- determines an angle above which the packet with the coordinates is recorded to
the device memory. The value of this angle should be chosen so that on the one hand, inconsiderable transport
maneuvers on a straight section would not result in the data packet recording and on the other hand, the angle
should not be large enough to provide opportunity to fix turning.
[Enable filtering with the restructuring]
- If this paramter is enabled, there works an algorithm, with
the help of which the additional filtering of turns is performed. When fixing the time of turning of transport,
coordinate analysis begins. If at the end of the analysis the direction of movement remains the same (car has