Program close button
Iif the device is not connected to the computer or connection to the device has not been set, "device is
not connected" is displayed, at the same time not all buttons on the navigation bar are active.
The navigation buttons are designed for quick navigation through sections of the configurator, the
configuration file saving, loading the data into the device, firmware updates, and so on.
There is a dynamic help at the bottom of the window. When you mouse over any element in the
configurator, description of the item and possible actions with is are displayed in this field.
Create a new configuration with the default parameters.
Open previously saved configuration from the file
Save the configuration in a file
Select a type of connection to the device. Locally or via the Internet
Monitoring of the status of all device parameters
Configuration parameters setting, connection to the peripherals
Loading the configuration to non-volatile memory of the device
Reading of the configuration from the memory device
Reboot the device to start up changes
Firmware Update
standard configuration setup wizard
Help Topics