The default settings are optimal. Depending on the operating conditions and the type of the antenna
used, these parameters can be changed.
Coordinates filtering.
If the coordinates filtering is enabled, the stored coordinates are analyzed.
If coordinates have not passed the test of any parameter, the latter depending on the mode selected are not
stored in memory and therefore will not be transmitted to the server, or the coordinates are reset to zero, in
this case, all the other sensors data remain unchanged.
[Maximum HDOP] -
sets the maximum value of horizontal accuracy. If the value is greater than the
specified one, the coordinates are considered invalid and will not be recorded. The recommended value is 4.
[Minimum speed]
– is a speed below which the coordinates are considered invalid and will not be
recorded. The recommended value is 3km/h.
[Maximum Speed]
– is a speed above which the coordinates are considered invalid and will not be
recorded. The recommended value is 150-180km/h.
[The maximum leap of coordinates]
- determines the maximum permissible distance between the two
coordinates. If the difference between coordinates exceeded the specified value for one second, the
coordinates are considered invalid and will not be recorded. The recommended value is 50 meters.
[Maximum Acceleration]
is a values of acceleration above which the coordinates are considered
invalid and will not be recorded. The recommended value is 3 m/s.
[The minimum interval of points recording into memory]
–is the time during which the coordinates
are not recorded for any events.
[Minimum number of satellites]
- If the number of visible satellites is less than the specified value, the
coordinates are considered invalid and are not recorded.
Operating mode of the Receiver -
the device operates with two satellite systems: GLONASS
and GPS. The user can select one of the systems or a combined mode. In the latter case, positioning accuracy is
significantly increased due to the processing of data from more satellites.
The parameters of inertial monitoring
– settings of the main maximum permissible
parameters of driving quality. If a parameter exceeds the permissible value, an activity flag is set and
transmitted to the extraordinary data packet. To transfer these parameters to the server check the box "Statu
/Settings of tracker/TC" - "Driving" in the packet structure.
Besides the automatic check of limits, the user can control them independently having described the
logic of processing in the events section.
When the "Accident" event occurs, based on the set parameters, the device records the every second
track of 20 points. Some of them are taken from the past, set by the message parameters in the buffer before
the event and some are taken from the future, set by the message parameters in the buffer after the event. A
number of messages before and after the event can not exceed 20.
Installation of the handlers for input, selection of the input signal type (analog, frequency, discrete or
counter). For the security mode, or to create an event, you can select a range of voltage of active and passive input