Service Manual Chapter8. Receipt Printer
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Nautilus Hyosung Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
► Cleaning Transport Path
1. Turn power off.
2. Clean the parts (Roller, Cutter and so on) on the transport path by moving fine brush
for cleaning back and forth several times.
3. Be careful not to occur static electricity on the printing side of TPH and not to touch
with hand.
► Cleaning TPH & Platen
1. Turn power off and open the Platen Open Lever (Green).
2. Clean the Heat Element and Platen using cotton with ethanol, methanol and IPA.
3. After the alcohol ingredient completely goes away, place the Platen to its position.
► Precaution
1. Precaution during moving receipt printer
▪ Move the receipt printer supporting it from below with both hands.
▪ Do not hold the outlet of the printer during moving.
2. Posture during maintenance
▪ If the receipt printer needs to be disassembled, be sure to put it on the flat surface
without th
e salience after disassembling. Also, there aren’t swing or interference of
other object.
▪ Do not lean or overturn the receipt printer.