Product description
Applications on the terminal
More about this in section: Tractor-ECU application [
- Virtual ECU application
The Virtual ECU application is a central hub where virtual job computers can be created for
machines and devices that do not communicate through ISOBUS.
The Virtual ECU enables the use of apps such as TRACK-Leader, ISOBUS-TC and SECTION-
Control with non-ISO machines.
More about this in section: Virtual ECU application [
File Server application
This application is used to define a storage location on the terminal. This storage location can be
used by ISOBUS job computers that support the File Server functionality. The options for use
depend on the ISOBUS job computer.
- Camera.
The Camera application displays on the screen the image from the camera which is connected
to the terminal.
The application is used to connect the terminal with the Internet via Ethernet or Bluetooth.
You can use the test versions of the following applications:
▪ ISOBUS interface (ISOBUS-UT)
The terminal enables you to operate ISOBUS job computers which are ISO 11783 compliant.
The user interfaces for operating a job computer are shown on the terminal screen if this is
connected to the ISOBUS connector of the vehicle.
The ISOBUS interface has no icon of its own. The icon for the connected job computer will
always be displayed in the selection menu.
- ISOBUS-TC application (ISOBUS task controller)
The ISOBUS-TC application serves as an interface between the terminal applications
(SECTION-Control, TECU, VECU) and ISOBUS devices (job computers, crop protection
sensors). Moreover, the app enables data transfer between the terminal and electronic Farm
Management Information Systems.
The scope of functions depends on the activated licenses and the configuration.
More about this in section: ISOBUS-TC task processing [
The application is used to connect the terminal with the Internet via Ethernet or Bluetooth.
▪ ASD protocol – The license enables communication between the terminal and a serially
connected on-board integrated display/controller. The terminal knows the position of the machine
on the field (GPS) and can transmit the target application rate of a product (from the prescription
map) or the section status to the on-board integrated display/controller. In this way, you can use
the SECTION-Control app for section control, among other things.
More about this in section: Connecting the on-board integrated display/controller to the terminal [
Optionally you can activate the following software:
- FIELD-Nav application.
FIELD-Nav – Road navigation for agricultural purposes. The map material can be edited with the
corresponding PC software FIELD-Nav Desktop. All field tracks, small bridges and other
restrictions can then be integrated in the map material and be considered when mapping the
Test versions
Optional software