ST_PM_ Installation Manual_EN_V1.0 | 08.2020
Copyright © 2020 Mounting Systems GmbH
Compensation pile-driving tolerances on the torque tube
Due to the pile-driving tolerances, the distance between the retaining rings (2) and the
torque tubes (4) may vary. If the distance is greater than 10 mm, an additional retaining
ring (2) must be installed as a spacer. The spacer can be inserted either on only one or
both sides.
To ensure there is a sufficient overlap between the torque tubes (4) and
connectors (3), a maximum of 1 additional retaining ring (2) may be installed on
each side.
Figure 30 Installing the torque tubes
Potential equalisation
Potential equalisation is an important part of electrical protection. Therefore, this
must be implemented precisely as described here.
To prevent high contact voltages, all components that come into contact with live
equipment or cables are linked with each other via suitably conductive materials and
connected to the potential equalisation in the control cabinet.
Because, for operating reasons, different potentials may occur between the grounding
system of the tracking systems and the grounding system used for the network
connection, a conductive connection must be established between both sides in order to
prevent overvoltage effects on the systems.
The tracker arrays are generally grounded through the support posts. If different
grounding solutions are used, these must be taken into account accordingly in the
grounding concept (e.g.: installation of a circular grounding, etc.).