Test Mode
The complete alarm system should be checked after
programming. For this purpose all alarm sensors can
successively be triggered in the test mode without res-
ponse of the siren and the strobelight.
The system must be deactivated. Enter the access
code for programming which is valid at present
(default setting: 1, 2, 3, 4). The display shows:
Press the button No within 15 seconds otherwise
the programming mode is exited. The display
Press the button Yes. The display must now show:
Trigger all sensors and detectors successively.
The buzzers of the keypad controllers and the
speaker will sound for the time of the alarm record-
ing. During this time the display shows the corre-
sponding zone.
To test the siren and the strobelight, press the
numerical key 9. To switch off, press the key 9
To switch off the test mode and to exit the pro-
gramming mode, press the button 0 three times so
that date, time, and <<< UNSET >>> are shown
Trouble Shooting
Check the mains connection and the mains fuse (15).
Check the fuse F2 (3), the correct connection (chapter
4.4), and the connection cables to the keypad control-
lers. Is the control for the display contrast on the rear
side of the keypad controller correctly adjusted?
Remove the lines for the zone indicated from the ter-
minal strip TB2 (9) and replace them by a jumper (e. g.
contacts AZ5 + – in case of the indication “zone 5”). If
the alarm control system can now be activated without
problems, the error is either due to a defective alarm
sensor or due to an interrupted connection line. Lo-
cate the error with a continuity tester.
In case of a short circuit between the connection
cable of the zone and the connection cable for the anti-
tamper loop (contacts TMP + –) an alarm is likewise
When using NO contacts, the factory-set jumper
must not be removed (fig. 10 on the right)!
Case Tamp = The anti-tamper contact of the alarm
control system is opened
KP Tamper = The anti-tamper contact of a keypad
controller is opened
Bell Tamp =
The anti-tamper contact of the alarm unit
(or of the siren or strobelight) is opened
Tamper =
One of the contacts in the common anti-
tamper loop of the sensors (connections
“TMP” of the terminal TB2) is opened
Is the corresponding housing correctly closed? Is the
spring on the anti-tamper contact correctly placed? Is
the cable of the anti-tamper loop interrupted? Has this
cable a short circuit to another connection? Is the ser-
vice timer expired?
Tampering actions are shown on the display:
The exit delay time does not terminate after the
activation and the display shows an open loop
(zone ...), although all alarm contacts are closed
No indication in the display of the keypad controller (off)
The LED for indicating the mains voltage (7) does not
light up
The programming (delay times, zone features, etc.)
cannot be checked in the test mode. For this purpose
the alarm control system must be activated. To pre-
vent a disturbing noise, the siren should be dis-
connected during this test.
Always reconnect the siren again after the test!
O k !
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T e s t ?
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