Relay Pulsing
Relay Pulsing with Multiple Switches
If you want to use multiple switches, you can add an equation to the monitor zone to reduce
interference between switches. Refer to the example below:
01-00-00-IN-008 AND NOT ANY 1 OF ( 01-00-**-IZ-008 , 01-00-**-IZ-009 ,
01-00-**-IZ-010 )
01-00-00-IN-008 – Input circuit 1
01-00-**-IZ-008 – Input Switch 2
01-00-**-IZ-009 – Input Switch 3
01-00-**-IZ-010 – Input Switch 4
This equation is optional. However, it will reduce interference between switches. For example,
if the first switch is pressed, and then Input Switch 2 is pressed, issues could arise if both
switches are turning digital messages on or off. This is because the first message would be