Using the Configurator
Major Components of the Configurator Window
The Configurator window is divided into three panes.
Figure 102 Configurator
Job Tree
In the left pane, the job appears as a tree. At the highest level in the tree are the nodes and
CPUs. Under each node are its components, for example annunciators and loop controllers.
Some items are divided into other items. For example, an annunciator is divided into display
adders and a loop controller is divided into loops.
Some items in the tree do not represent physical components. For example, items exist for
input and output summaries, timers, and intervals.
Details Pane
The top right pane displays the details of the selected item in the tree.
Correlations Pane
The third pane displays correlations for the item selected in the Details pane. For example,
when a loop is selected in the Job Tree, the Details pane shows all of its devices or circuits.
Job Build Folder
The folder where the C output files are stored.
Show Tools Menu
Displays or hides a Tools menu. This menu contains trace
and debug functions and features that are helpful to
Technical Support.
Keep Only Latest Versions
After Backup
If this option is selected, only the latest versions of all jobs
will be kept after a successful Backup Database
command. All older versions will be deleted.
Show Advanced Features
If this option is disabled, some of the more advanced
features are hidden.