Set a 4750 motor on the X motor mount on the back of the gantry with the
wire facing the rear of the machine. When looking at the motor from the
back of the machine, the two motor holes on the left will receive M5x16
machine screws. The two motor holes on the right will receive M5x20
Machine Screws. Slip the Drag Chain Mount onto the M5x20 machine
screws with the slot facing to the right. Secure with M5 Nylocks. Leave
loose to adjust the rack.
Place the 2550 motor on the right Y motor mount with the wire pointing to the rear of the machine. When
looking at the motor from the right of the machine, the two motor holes on the left will receive M5x16
machine screws. The two motor holes on the right will receive M5x20 machine screws. Slip the Drag Chain
Mount onto the M5x20 machine screws with the slot facing to the right. Secure with M5 Nylocks. Leave loose
to adjust the rack.
Move the gantry all the way to the front.
Make sure the rack is engaging the pinion
gear. Adjust the rack until the pinion gear is
almost to the end of the rack when all the
way forward.
Starting with the left Y motor, gently push the motor to the rack and tighten
the motor. Gently pull the rack to the motor and tighten the front screw on
the rack. Continue moving the gantry down while gently pulling the rack to
the motor and tightening the rack as you go. Repeat the process with the
right Y motor, and then the X motor starting at the right as seen from the
back of the back of the machine.
Once the rack is tightened, move the gantry back and forth checking for smoothness. If you feel any tight
spots in the travel, loosen the screws near the tight spot and apply a bit of pressure to the rack to move it
away from the pinion gear slightly. Retighten the rack and continue checking the travel.