159 physical addressable modules per loop.
Using the
protocol the FX-3500 supports up to:
99 analog sensors per loop.
99 analog modules per loop.
Configuration is done via the software Configurator.
Additional Information
The addressable loop can be configured for Class A, Class B, or Class X operation.
T-tapping is not recommended.
Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) is recommended.
Conventional devices can be used in a semi addressable application in conjunction with
MIX-M502M, MIX-M502MA, MIX-M502MAP, or MIX-M502MAPA Intelligent Addressable
Interface Modules.
A short or open on the loop will activate the common trouble sequence with a latching
trouble. (Class A only)
DO NOT connect more than 25 devices to a single isolator or between isolators.
The FX-3500 FACP will test the sensitivity of a single sensor address every 4 minutes.
Each address will be tested once in approximately every 11 hours.
Supervision of Devices
The loop interface software continuously supervises the devices on its loop against those
found during configuration for the following conditions:
Device missing.
Unconfigured device responding.
Two or more devices responding to the same address.
Wrong device type.
A communication or addressing error on a device is reported as a trouble on the associated
zone LED as configured. The detectors may be configured as non-verified or verified alarm
Device LEDs
Polling the devices on the loop causes the LED to flash normally.
All device LEDs can be suppressed via the Configurator. Suppressing a CLIP device’s
LEDs causes its sounder or relay bases to not operate.
Activating devices on the loop (alarm for an input device, active for an output device)
illuminates the LED steady.
The maximum number of active Advanced Protocol and/or CLIP devices with their LED
illuminated steady is fifty (50) per loop.
With Select Series devices, the LED flashes green for polling, amber for fault, and red for
alarm. (System Sensor Select Series devices have a 3 as the second digit of the name,
for example MIX-2351
When mixing modes every address assigned to CLIP removes the equal amount
of addresses from the Advanced Protocol addressable sensor and addressable
module range.