Clock, real time, 310
automatic, 310
Clock Flow Control, 57
Clock Speed, frame relay, 428
local interconnect link, 48
sync channel, 513
Closed Loops, 29
Cluster(s), 28211
adding additional, 213
communication between, 212214
default name, 213
distributed star topology, 28
filtering, 212
forming groups, 212
interconnection, 212, 213
making connections, 213
maximum nodes per, 213
multiple, 212
planning, 211, 212
Code Download, 76
activating a bank, 77
reset, 74
Code Level, 34, 516, 518
Cold Start, 438
Colocated NetRunners, 44, 46, 47
Command Facility, 35
main menu access, 519
parameters, defaults, C9
passwords, 71
Command Mode, 3233
access, 519
entry sequence, 519
Command Port, 32
between clusters, 215
channel priority, 216
Compatibility, 16
mesh networks, 23
async channels, 515
sync channels, 52
clusters, 212214
Command Facility, 7172
date, 312, 313
day, 312, 313
day of week, 72
secondary link, 49
time, 312, 313
time of day schedule, 417
Connect Protocol Options, async, 531
asynchronous, 524
force, 522
synchronous, 524
Control Signals, 510, 511
Copy Channel Parameters, 514
CR Delay, 34, 516
Criteria, for primary link failure, 414
Current Configuration, reset to, 438
Customer Service, v
Data Compression, 520
Data Link Connections.
Data Rate, 34
async, 516
sync, 55
Date, configuring, 312, 313
Date and Time, configuring, 72
Day, configuring, 72
Day of the Week, configuring, 312, 313
Deassigning a Secondary Link, 413
Defaults, 51, C8C15
async channel, C8C9
cluster name, 213
Command Facility Parameters, C9
dialog messages, C11
NetRunner node # and ID, C11
port configuration, C11
ports, 43, 44
sync channel, C12C15
CR, FF, LF Delay
Delta Topology, 29
Demand Report, system, 710
Dialup Modem, 34
Dialog Messages
configuration, 535
defaults, C11
Disconnect, force connects, 523
Distributed Star Topology, 28
DLC (data link connections), 210, 53
defaults, C12
configuration, 431
limitations, 42
parameters, 432
resetting the, 435
DNS (Domain Name Servers), 211
Download Code, 76
Download Facility, 76
DSR Control, 57
DSU/CSU, 410, 44
Dual bank.
Flash bank