MICOM's System Network Architecture Protocol Spoofer for connecting the
Integration unit and AS/400 host and IBM 5250 and 3270 controllers.
SNMP, Simple Network Management Protocol
A standard protocol used to monitor, troubleshoot, and control other
SNMPcompliant devices attached to the network. SNMP defines a set of
variables that must be kept and it specifies that all operations are a
sideeffect of fetching or storing data variables. The public domain standard
is based on the operational experience of TCP/IP internetworks within
software reset
A reset performed by the software. This may be a warm or cold start.
SOH, start of header
A control character used to indicate the beginning of a message header.
Represents a binary 0 in data communications.
A piece of hardware that separates one module from another in the unit.
stacking connector
A coupling containing electrical pins or sockets that are located on the top
and bottom of a module board to connect electrical wires from one module
board to another. The connector on the underside is referred to as a shroud,
and the connector on top is referred to as a block.
A MICOM product family that offers multiple Integration nodes in a single
chassis. The Integration Hub is a STADIA product.
standard interface module
An interface (E&M, FXO, FXS) module for MICOM's Universal Voice Module
that is designed to meet U.S. regulatory agency requirements.
start bit
The first bit in asynchronous transmission, used to indicate the beginning of
a character.