The NetRunner Integration Router is a part of MICOM's family of integration
products designed to provide networking flexibility and costsavings solutions
for your internetworking needs. The NetRunner Integration Routers allow
Local Area Networks (LANs) to connect over any distance using lowcost
leased lines and/or frame relay links. This permits a device attached to a
Local Area Network (LAN) at one site (for example, Los Angeles) to
communicate with a device attached to a LAN at another site (for example,
The NetRunner features MICOM's EasyRouter technology. EasyRouter is
actually a combination of several technologies that achieve the same traffic
forwarding efficiency and LAN segment isolation as traditional routing,
without the effort of network reconfiguration and maintenance.
An additional attraction of the NetRunner is its ability to integrate interoffice
voice, fax and legacy data (sync and async) with Local Area Network (LAN)
traffic, sending it all over the same leased line that handles the bridge and
routing activities.
NetRunner Integration Router Model