module location
A physical and logical location of modules within a 3 or 5slot chassis. These
are described from bottom to top as module location AE (or AC in a 3slot
chassis). In the Integration Hub, this is the logical location of a module (BE)
in respect to its associated Communications Control Module (CCM) which is
in location A.
ms, millisecond
Onethousandth of a second.
A message that is sent out to a group of local area network nodes by a host.
Multicasts are generally sent at specified intervals to avoid cluttering the
LAN, and contain the name of the host sending them as well as information
about what services that host provides.
A device that combines the signals of many devices and types into a
composite signal for transmission to a remote destination.
Short for multiplexer.
MICOM mux and multiplexer.
mux link
A composite leased line link that connects a MICOM mux to an Integration
NAK, negative acknowledgment
A control character that indicates that the previous transmission block was
received in error.
The optional UNIXbased network management system for Integration
A Novelldeveloped local area network operating system that provides file
and printer sharing among networks of personal computers.