Technical Specifications
Function Generators
Technical Specifications (contd.)
(GX 320 only)
Max. generated signal frequency: 100 kHz
Phase adjustment
180 ° by steps of 1°
Synchronisation precision dependent on generated signal frequency,
x 3.6 x 10
(for a cable length of < 1 m)
BURST pulse
generation function
(GX 320 only)
Entry of the number of signal periods (impulses) from 1 to 65535
The minimum window for the signal is: 2 µs (see details in BURST para.)
Over 10 MHz the number of periods can vary by 1 and the phase on
SQUARE and TTL_OUT can change by 180°
Trigger Jitter:
15 ns
Internal BURST
Entry of the burst period from 10 ms to 100 s with a 10 ms resolution
External BURST
Triggering of the burst using an external TTL signal with a frequency of less
than 1 MHz on the BNC ‘INPUT BURST’ or triggered manually (MODE key)
Trigger delay of approx. 1.5 µs
GATE Function
(GX 320 only)
Authorisation to output the alternating component of the MAIN OUT signal using
a TTL signal with a frequency of
(+ 5 V
Main out generated and 0 V
alternating component cut)
Delay of approx 100 ns
FREQ external
frequency meter
Input on the front face BNC terminal (FREQ EXT)
External frequency measurement from 5 Hz to 100 MHz
Max. amplitude max.
of measured signals:
300 V from 5 Hz to 5 kHz
30 V from 5 kHz to 1 MHz
10 V beyond these values
signal with a duty cycle at 50 %
Precision of the measured frequency: ± 0.05 % + 1 digit
Frequency display measured on 5 digits
< 50 mVrms for F
30 MHz
< 60 mVrms for 30 MHz < F
80 MHz
< 90 mVrms for 80 MHz < F
100 MHz
stabilisation time
1 s from 5 Hz to 20 Hz
1 measurement per second)
100 ms from 20 Hz to 400 Hz
(2 measurements per second)
40 ms from 400 Hz to 100 MHz
(2 measurements per second)
Input Impedance
1 M
// 22 pF approx.
Max voltage. : 300 V (50 - 60 Hz) CAT I