General Instructions
I - 4
Function Generators
General Instructions
You have just purchased a GX 305, GX 310 or GX 320 Function Generator
and we appreciate your confidence.
Content of the box
the generator
the safety notice
the power supply cable
the USB A/B cable for the programmable versions
the ETHERNET cable for the GX 320E
the CD-ROM containing:
the operating guide in 5 languages
the programming in 2 languages
the USB ‘CP210x USB to UART Bridge Controller’ Drivers
the LabView and LabWindows Drivers
the USBxPress application (USB port identification)
the GX320E-Admin (IP address programming)
To obtain the best service:
- read this notice carefully,
- respect the safety instructions.
Failure to respect the warnings and/or usage instructions may damage the
device and/or installations and may be dangerous for the user.
Safety measures
This instrument complies with the NF EN 61010-1 - Ed. 2 (2001) safety
standard relating to the safety of electric measurement devices.
It is designed for indoor use in an level 2 pollution environment at an altitude
of less than 2000 m, a temperature between 0° C and 40° C and a RH
(relative humidity) of less than 80% up to 40° C.
The MAIN OUT, SWEEP OUT, TTL OUT outlets are referenced to earth and
protected from accidental voltages that are not in excess of 60 V
40 V
The FREQ EXT entry can only be used for measurements on Category 1
installations and for voltages not exceeding 300 V in relation to the earth.
Mains power supply: 115 V or 230 V depending on the model.
Definition of
CAT I: Category I corresponds to measurements on circuits that are not
directly connected to the network.
Example: protected electronic circuits
CAT II: Category II corresponds to measurements on circuits that are directly
connected to low voltage installations.
Example: power supply for household appliances and portable tools
CAT III: Category III corresponds to measurements on the building
Example: power supply for industrial machinery or devices.
CAT IV: Category IV corresponds to measurements at the source of the low
voltage installation.
Example: power supply