General Commands
Function Generators
IV - 23
General Commands (contd.)
Selecting the calibration step to run:
CAL.AU : automatic calibration (all settings are triggered automatically)
CAL.00 : cancels offsets for sine and triangle signals
CAL.01 : cancels offsets for square and LOGIC signals
CAL.02 : calculates gains for the DC level offset setting
CAL.03 : cancels the secondary offset for square and LOGIC signals
CAL.04 : calculates gains for amplitude setting for sine, triangle, square
CAL.05 : calibrates the duty cycle for square and LOGIC
CAL.06 : sets AM and FM external modulation
CAL.07 : sets AM modulation for square and LOGIC signals
(GX 305/310)
(GX 320)
Pressing the key triggers automatic calibration or the selected calibration step.
The display shows:
for automatic (then the adjustments are
displayed in order) or
in manual mode.
At the end of the run two situations are possible: the adjustment either succeeded
or failed.
If the adjustment succeeded the display shows:
in automatic or
in manual.
display indicates that the adjustment settings may have changed and
that the changes can be saved.