GX 320 Description
Function Generators
III - 15
GX 320 Description (contd.)
HIGH / LOW level logical type display
INTernal / EXTernal source selection
Mode display:
AM / FM Modulation
LINear / LOGarithmic sweep
Master / Slave synchronisation
Shift key Frequency / Phase
Indication that the MODE key is assigned:
to triggering the adjustment step when calibrating
to the manual triggering of a set of pulses in BURST mode
to triggering the selected test in Autotest mode
Sawtooth or triangle sweep type
Modulation rate display AM 20 % or 80 %
GATE mode activated display
Master synchronisation activated display
Slave synchronisation activated display
For the synchronisation function: indicates that the frequency and phase
adjustment on the slave are restricted by the master.
During calibration the
key is assigned to saving the settings.
In normal mode selects save configuration mode
Selects configuration recall mode
Selects configuration clearing mode