Chapter 1 – Introduction
1. Introduction
This manual for the AlphaTrainer addresses users with and without educational/therapeutic back-
ground. It describes the functionality of both AlphaTrainer Professional and Home.
Those functions, which are available only in the Professional version, are marked as such. In this ma-
nual you will
nd both installation and operating instructions. It explains how you can utilize the device
and which technical options are available in the respective unit. Most of all you will
nd explanations
how you can use lateral training effectively.
1.1 Lateral training – what’s that?
The AlphaTrainer is used to improve and train the interaction of the
two brain hemispheres. It is particularly directed towards improving
reading, writing, math and learning skills, attention, concentration
as well as foreign language capabilities. You will hear either langu-
age and/or music wandering from ear to ear. In a similar fashion
text or other visual impressions will be perceived alternating from
side to side thanks to applying the special LCD shuttering glasses.
The key is to enhance the brain’s processing capabilities in both
the auditory and visual modality. This is basic lateral training.
As a training device the AlphaTrainer has been designed to im-
prove the neuronal processing capabilities for processing auditory
and visual stimuli in the trainee. By alternating between left and right, the brain and its respective he-
mispheres are forced to acquire a higher level of performance and brain coordination. To do this, the
auditory and visual senses are addressed. The brain is taught to process information in the included
modalities faster and more ef
ciently. An emphasis is given to the ability of language perception and
its respective improvement. A multistage training based on the client’s original abilities is available.
The ability to discriminate all critical phoneme’s in a given language is one of the primary training
aims. The AlphaTrainer includes a highend technology that allows for phonemes to be perceived
much more clearly and brilliant both in quiet and noisy environmens.
This active medical device for temporary use may be distributed and used with clients as it does not
endanger the trainer, the clients or respective third parties as long as a proper installation, usage and
maintenance are ensured.
Dummyhead stereophony recordings provide a very realistic 3D audio impression.
1.2 Product content
AlphaTrainer (Professional or Home)
Power adapter (FW 7556/12 – 12 V, 1,5 A)
Manual (for either version – home or professional)
MediTOOLs software light version (only with Alpha Trainer Professional)
nd more information about necessary accessories on the next page.
Please read the manual carefully prior to installing and using the AlphaTrainer device.