OMM 1008-1
Compressor Faults, Problems, Warnings
Faults (Equipment Protection Shutdowns)
Equipment protection faults cause rapid compressor shutdown. The compressor is stopped immediately (if
the compressor was running).
The following table identifies each alarm, gives the condition that causes the alarm to occur, and states the
action taken because of the alarm. All equipment protection alarms require a manual reset.
These faults are accessed by first selecting Comp 1 or Comp 2 on the controller screen
Table 13, Compressor Faults (Equipment Protection Shutdowns)
Occurs When:
Action Taken
Low Evaporator Pressure
Evaporator Press < Low Evap Pressure SP
Rapid Stop
High Condenser Pressure
Cond Press > High Condenser Pressure SP
Rapid Stop
Low Motor Current
I < Motor Current Threshold with Compressor ON for 30 sec
Rapid Stop
High Discharge Temperature
Temp > High Discharge Temperature SP
Rapid Stop
Mechanical High Pressure
Digital Input = High Pressure
Rapid Stop
High Motor Temperature
Digital Input = High Temperature
Rapid Stop
Surge High Suct SH-Starting
Temp > Surge High Suct SH-Start SP during first 5 minutes
of Compressor ON
Rapid Stop
Surge High Suct SH-Running
Temp > Surge High Suct SH-Run SP after first 5 minutes of
Compressor ON
Rapid Stop
No Compressor Stop
%RLA > Motor Current Threshold SP with Compressor OFF
for 30 sec
Starter Fault
Starter Fault Digital Input = Fault AND Compressor State =
Rapid Stop
Leaving Evaporator Water
Temperature Sensor Fault
Sensor shorted or open
Rapid Stop
Evaporator Pressure Sensor Fault
Sensor shorted or open
Rapid Stop
Condenser Pressure Sensor Fault
Sensor shorted or open
Rapid Stop
Suction Temperature Sensor Fault
Sensor shorted or open
Rapid Stop
Discharge Temperature Sensor
Sensor shorted or open
Rapid Stop
Evaporator Water Flow Loss
Evaporator Flow DI = No Flow for > 10 sec
Rapid Stop
Condenser Water Flow Loss
Condenser Flow DI = No Flow for > 10 sec
Rapid Stop
Compressor Events (Limit Alarms)
The following alarms do not cause compressor shutdown but limit operation of the chiller as described in the
Action Taken column.
Table 14, Compressor Events
Occurs When:
Action Taken
Automatic Reset
Low Evaporator Pressure
– Inhibit Loading
Pressure < Low Evap Pressure–Inhibit
Inhibit loading
Evap Press rises above
(SP + 3psi)
Low Evaporator Pressure
– Unload
Pressure < Low Evap Pressure–Unload
Evap Press rises above
(SP + 3psi)
Evaporator Freeze
Evap Sat Refr Temp < Evaporator Freeze
Start evaporator
Temp > (Evaporator Freeze
SP + 2°F)
Condenser Freeze
Cond Sat Refr Temp < Condenser Freeze
Start condenser
Temp > (Condenser Freeze
SP + 2°F)
High Discharge
Temperature > High Discharge
Temperature-Load SP AND
Suction superheat < 15°F
Temp < (High Dsch Temp
Load SP – 3°F) OR
Superheat > 18°F