Model: MC-1-DE
Doc Ref. No:-m05dom102
Issue No:-00
User’s Manual
Page 74 of 76
Loss of time accuracy in all outputs during Unit Power ON in Unlock condi-
When GPS TIME SYNC UNIT MC-1-DE comes in UNLOCK condition from LOCK condition dur-
ing normal operation, unit enters in holdover mode. Refer section 12 for technical explanation of
holdover mode.
Cannot establish telnet communication
1) IP address of GPS Ethernet port and telnet device should be same network domain.
2) Please verify the Ethernet connection between GPS Ethernet port and telnet device by pinging
the IP address of GPS Ethernet port. If IP address of GPS Ethernet port is not reachable, tel-
net connection will fail.
3) Provide correct IP address of GPS Ethernet port while trying to establish telnet connection.
Refer manual Appendix E1 for procedure for telnet connection with GPS Ethernet port.
Cannot establish SNMP communication
1) IP address of GPS Ethernet port and SNMP manager should be in the same network domain.
2) Please verify the Ethernet connection between GPS Ethernet port and SNMP manager by
pinging the IP address of GPS Ethernet port. If IP address of GPS Ethernet port is not reacha-
ble, SNMP connection will fail. Refer troubleshooting index.
3) SNMP Manager should be able to work on SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c protocol.
4) MIB file at manager side for model MC-1-DE agent should be the same provided at the time of
5) Read or Write Community of SNMP manager and model MC-1-DE agent should be same.
Not able to receive SNMP traps
1) IP address of GPS Ethernet port and SNMP manager should be in the same network domain.
2) Please verify the Ethernet connection between GPS Ethernet port and SNMP manager by
pinging the IP address of GPS Ethernet port. If IP address of GPS Ethernet port is not reacha-
ble, SNMP connection will fail. Refer troubleshooting index.
3) SNMP Manager should be able to work on SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c protocol.
4) SNMP manager IP should be configure in model MC-1-DE agent.
5) Trap enable variable should be enabled.
Not Able to set SNMP parameter
1) IP address of GPS Ethernet port and SNMP manager should be in the same network domain.
2) Please verify the Ethernet connection between GPS Ethernet port and SNMP manager by
pinging the IP address of GPS Ethernet port. If IP address of GPS Ethernet port is not reacha-
ble, SNMP connection will fail. Refer troubleshooting index.
3) SNMP Manager should be able to work on SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c protocol.
4) MIB file at manager side for model MC-1-DE agent should be the same provided at the time of
5) Write Community of SNMP manager and model MC-1-DE agent should be same.