BE 57-660 Eclipse Model 700 Guided Wave Radar Transmitter
3.4.3 Echo Rejection
Due to the fact that GWR transmitters are less susceptible
to obstructions in a vessel (as compared with Non-Contact
Radar transmitters) , early versions of the ECLIPSE trans-
mitters did not have Echo Rejection capability.
However, due to our vast experience in the field, we have
found that there are (albeit rare) occasions when it is desir-
able to have the ability to “ignore” unwanted signals along
the probe.
The Model 700 transmitter Echo Rejection feature is
menu, and requires an Advanced Password to activate. It is
highly recommended that this feature be used with the
waveform capture capability of the Model 700 DTM and
Refer to Section 4 “Advanced Configuration/
Troubleshooting Techniques” or contact MAGNETROL
Technical Support for additional instructions.
3.4.4 Volumetric Capability
Selecting Measurement Type = Volume and Level allows the
Model 700 transmitter to measure volume as the Primary
Measured Value. Configuration using built-in Vessel Types
The following table provides an explanation of each of the
System Configuration parameters required for volume
applications that use one of the nine Vessel Types.
Configuration Parameter
Volume Units
A selection of Gallons (factory default Volume Unit), Milliliters, Liters, Cubic Feet, or Cubic
Inches, is provided.
Vessel Type
Select either Vertical/Flat (factory default Vessel Type), Vertical/Elliptical, Vertical/Spherical,
Vertical/Conical, Custom Table, Rectangular, Horizontal/Flat, Horizontal/Elliptical,
Horizontal/Spherical, or Spherical.
Note: Vessel Dims is the next screen only if a specific Vessel Type was selected. If Custom
Table was selected. Refer to page 53 to select the Cust Table Type and Cust Table Vals.
Vessel Dims
See the vessel drawings on the following page for relevant measuring areas.
Used for all Vessel Types with the exception of Rectangular.
Ellipse Depth
Used for Horizontal and Vertical/Elliptical vessels.
Conical Height
Used for Vertical/Conical vessels.
Used for Rectangular vessels.
Used for Rectangular and Horizontal vessels.