Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS-6U Controller J85501E-1
Issue 4 August 1998
Acceptance Testing 5 - 7
2. Remove the paper clip. The alarms should retire and the
MNF LED extinguish. The PMN and MNF alarms in the
terminal block should clear.
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for all minor fuses, including F502
through F509.
4. Place a paper clip or equivalent to connect the battery lead
of the fuse to the alarm lead of the fuse F510. The MJF
(Major Fuse Alarm) LED should light, and the NORM
LED should go out. Check the terminal blocks for the
following major alarms:
5. Remove the paper clip, and note that the alarms retire and
that LEDs return to normal.
6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 for major fuses F511 and F512.
7. For plants equipped with Battery String Disconnect
Breakers Only: The Open String Alarm (OS) is hardwired
from the controller terminal blocks to an auxiliary fuse
alarm input on the FAB. If OS is wired into the FAB, turn
one disconnect breaker off to verify that the desired MJF
or MNF alarm and associated power alarms are issued.
Turn the breaker back on and note that the alarms retire.
8. Repeat Step 7 for each battery string disconnect switch.
Figure 5-1: Fuse Alarm Test