Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS-6U Controller J85501E-1
Issue 4 August 1998
Product Description 2 - 7
Battery on
Discharge Alarm
If rectifier output is insufficient to supply the load current for any
reason (such as an ac power failure), the battery reserve will
provide the necessary current. Such a battery discharge can be
detected by a drop in the plant bus voltage. Whenever the plant
voltage drops below a preselected threshold, the controller
issues a Battery on Discharge (BD) alarm and lights a red LED
on the controller front panel. This alarm threshold is typically set
to indicate the onset of battery discharge to allow enough time
for maintenance personnel to respond before battery reserve is
exhausted. When a BD alarm occurs, service is not usually
affected immediately. However, since attention is required in a
limited time, BD is considered a Major alarm, and all three
Power Major alarm groups are issued to the office alarm system
when a BD occurs.
It should be noted here that a BD alarm does not necessarily
indicate that rectifier output current has been lost or reduced. A
BD alarm can be caused by misadjusted rectifier output voltage
during otherwise normal operation. It can also be caused by
current overload on normally functioning rectifiers.
The voltage threshold for the BD alarm is selected by the user by
setting a group of DIP switches on the 113A2. The setpoint is
typically at least 1 volt below the plant float voltage for nominal
48V plants or 0.5 volts below the float voltage in 24V systems.
This threshold avoids nuisance alarms due to component
tolerances, variations in load, and other transient conditions.
The actual BD threshold settings that may be selected are listed
on Figure 4-6 and on a label on the controller itself. The range of
available settings is based on the most common battery float
voltages for 24V and 48V systems. The shutdown level can be
adjusted in 0.5 volt increments.
Selective High
The controller is equipped to detect a high voltage condition on
the plant bus. Such a high voltage condition is typically caused
by lightning-induced transients on the commercial ac power
lines. A rectifier failure might, however, cause an individual
rectifier to increase its output voltage. To prevent high voltage
from damaging the connected telecommunications load, the
controller will send a signal for the rectifiers to shut down if the
plant voltage goes high.
When the controller detects an increase in the plant voltage
above a preset threshold, it immediately issues an HV alarm to