Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS-6U Controller J85501E-1
2 - 18 Product Description
Issue 4 August 1998
activated via the microprocessor board or by the FLOAT/EQ
switch on the front panel of the ECS-6U controller.
Shunt Isolator
The Lucent Technologies ECS-6U controller was designed for
operation in a battery plant that has the plant shunt in the return
(ground) lead. If the plant shunt is in the battery lead, the shunt
isolator circuit is required. The AKC1 shunt isolator circuit (List
5) was replaced by the AKC1B (List 6 or 7) to also interface
non-standard shunts to the ECS controller. (Non-standard shunts
are shunt sizes other than those listed in Table 4-C as compatible
with the ECS controller.)
The AKC1B is not mounted in the controller. List 6 provides a
field installation kit to mount the AKC1B in a frame with
24-5/16 inch mounting centers. List 7 provides a field
installation kit to mount the AKC1B in a frame with 22-5/16
inch mounting centers. See Figure 4-15.
Mixed Types of
Rectifiers in
One Plant
The ECS-6U controller may be used to control a total of six
rectifiers. There are six rectifier interface ports on the backplane
of the lower tray in the controller. Rectifiers may be of different
types with each requiring different cable types. Cables for each
rectifier type are available; however, only cables for rectifiers
other than those made by Lucent Technologies will require
termination in the field. If Lucent Technologies Lineage
SR-series rectifiers and Lineage
2000 J855-series
ferroresonant rectifiers are used, only the rectifier interface
board (RIB) is required. All other rectifiers require the RIB and
the rectifier adapter board (RAB). See wiring options in Table
4-D and Table 4-E.
A moveable jumper, P108, is provided on the 113A2 to connect
(jumper across pins 1 and 2 of P108) or isolate (jumper across
pins 2 and 3 of P108) the return leads of the two isolated restart
contacts. In the Universal Rectifier Controller, the connection
jumper, P108, can be placed across either pins 1 and 2 or pins 2
and 3. The controller is shipped with the jumpers across pins 1
and 2 of P108.
Table 2-A gives the electrical specifications of the ECS-6U
Controller. Battery plant alarm voltage ranges are shown in
Table 2-B. Table 2-C lists the physical specifications of the
ECS-6U Controller.