Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS-6U Controller J85501E-1
Issue 4 August 1998
Installation and Setup 4 - 5
Hardware Setup
Jumper straps are located on the upper tray backplane, and a
combination of jumper straps and DIP switches are located on
the control unit and the rectifier interface board (RIB). These
jumpers and switches must be set properly before powering the
controller. Proper settings are made at the factory for the plant in
which the controller is shipped. In shipped-loose controllers, the
jumpers and switches are factory configured for -48 volt
Applying power to the controller when jumper straps and
DIP switches are improperly set may damage the controller
circuit packs or provide extraneous alarms.
Voltage Selection
As shown in Figure 4-4, there are four jumpers on the controller
backplane for voltage selection: P602.1, P602.2, P602.3, and
P602.4. Verify that all four of the jumpers are in the correct
positions. Factory-mounted controllers are typically preset for
the proper plant voltage. The installer, however, should check
these settings.
Circuit packs can be damaged by static electricity.
Operators should always wear a grounded wrist strap
plugged into the controller front panel when touching or
handling circuit packs.
DIP switches SW101, SW102, and SW103 on CP1, and S1 and
S2 on the RIB (EAT1), must be set to the proper plant voltage.
DIP switch position 6 on SW101, SW102, and SW103, and
positions 1 through 10 on S1 and S2 must be set for either 24 or
48 volts and all of these switches must be set to the same voltage.
Refer to Figures 4-5 and 4-8 for the location of switches on CP1
and the RIB.
Figure 4-6 shows the CP1 DIP Switch Settings and Figure 4-9
shows the RIB DIP Switch Settings. These two figures are
replications of actual labels that appear on the controller.
Input power may be connected only after the installer has set and
verified the voltage selection jumpers and DIP switches. The
input power and plant shunt connections are made through the
wire set connected to the Fuse Alarm Board (BAD8), which is
mounted on the inside of the front door. The wire set exits the
unit on the right side as the user faces the unit. Each wire is