Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
Issue 6 September 1999
Retrofit of 415A Battery Plant 7 - 17
1. In the 415B Control and Distribution Bay, remove the
leads going to the shunt (+) and shunt (-) terminals of the
Galaxy Controller and insulate. Run a shielded, twisted
pair (comcode 405400847) from the shunt + and shunt -
terminals of the Galaxy Controller to the shunt in the 415A
Control and Distribution Bay. (When facing the 415A
Control and Distribution Bay, (+) is on the left and (-) is on
the right of the shunt.)
2. Ground the shield of the cable to the chassis using the
spade provided in the prepack of the 415B Control and
Distribution Bay.
Sense Voltage
1. In the 415B Control and Distribution Bay, remove the red
wire from the Charge Bus and the blue wire from the
Charge Return.
2. Using the connectors provided and wire (comcode
405400847), make the connections as follows:
a. Connect the red to red in the 415B and black to the
blue wire in the 415B.
b. Connect the red wire to TB4 Terminal 27 (+) and the
black wire to terminal TB4 terminal 29 in the 415A
Control and Distribution Bay.
c. Ground the shield of the cable to the chassis in the
415A Control and Distribution Bay.
Final alarm connections to the 415A should not be made
until the 415B test is completed.
The resistor block is not used on the 415A distribution
shunt of the module being monitored by the shunt (+) and
(-) terminals of the Galaxy Controller. The resistor blocks
must be installed on the shunts that are connected to the
RPM module.