Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
Issue 6 September 1999
Retrofit of 415A Battery Plant 7 - 5
DC/DC Converters
The dc/dc converters are mounted in the Control and
Distribution Bay, and their outputs are diode OR’d to provide
power to the Galaxy Controller if one of the converters fails.
Battery Disconnect/Reconnect Switches
The switch panel has three 600-ampere switches, one per string,
that are used to disconnect individual strings of batteries from
service. Each switch has an Auxiliary Contact to signal an alarm
if the switch is placed in the Off position. Switch one is factory
connected and will alarm if placed in the Off position. When
installing a second or third battery string, the second or third
battery auxiliary switch must have the blue wires connected in
order to activate the alarm when switch two or three is placed in
the Off position. The location of the wires is at the auxiliary
Distribution Breakers
There are 17 circuit breakers in the Control and Distribution Bay
that supply power to a secondary dc distribution system. These
can be connected to the existing ABC (Area Bus Center)
distribution bays or can be connected to two Power Distribution
Frames (PDF). Six circuit breakers feed PDF #1 and the other six
breakers feed PDF #2. When connecting the Power Distribution
Frames, the unused circuit breaker shunts of the distribution
panel can be hidden from the RPM (Remote Peripheral Monitor)
reporting the currents to the Galaxy Controller by placing a * in
front of the named channel using EasyView software from a
laptop computer. The PDF currents are reported back to the
Galaxy Controller on Bus 1. The Control and Distribution RPMs
report their currents to Galaxy using Bus 2.
Each rectifier is rated at 152 volts, 140 amperes. The maximum
plant load is 560 amperes, with the plant always having a
redundant rectifier. The rectifiers are connected in parallel with
up to three strings of batteries that float at 151.9 volts. The
output of all rectifiers is combined in the Control and
Distribution Bay.
The rectifiers contain a 50mV, 175-ampere shunt. Their output
circuit breakers are sized at 170 amperes.