Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
2 - 4 System Description
Issue 6 September 1999
There are 12 circuit breakers in the Control and Distribution Bay
that supply power to a secondary dc distribution system, which
consists of two Power Distribution Frame (PDF) bays. Six
circuit breakers feed PDF #1 and the other six breakers feed PDF
#2. The current through the circuit breakers is monitored by
shunts located in the PDF bays, and this information is sent to the
Galaxy Controller via Remote Peripheral Monitoring (RPM)
Each rectifier is rated at 152 volts, 140 amperes. The maximum
plant load is 560 amperes. The plant always has a redundant
The rectifiers are connected in parallel with up to three strings of
batteries that float at 151.9 volts. The output of all rectifiers is
combined in the Control and Distribution Bay.
The rectifiers contain a 50mV, 175-ampere shunt. Their output
circuit breakers are also sized at 175 amperes.
Battery Equalize/
Boost Feature
You will see the terms “Equalize” and “Boost” used throughout
the documentation associated with the 415B Battery Plant. In
this manual, the terms are interchangeable and mean exactly
the same thing.
The rectifiers, in association with the Galaxy Controller, allow
the batteries to be charged at a higher voltage (Boost) than float
voltage to Equalize the individual voltages of the cells in the
string. The Equalize/Boost voltage is factory set to 2.23 volts
per cell, or 156.1 volts total.
Frame (PDF)
The Power Distribution Frame (PDF) bay is the secondary
distribution point for the 415B Battery Plant. There are two PDF
bays per plant, and each bay contains six panels of secondary
distribution fuses to power the loads. Each panel is fed from a
circuit breaker located in the Control and Distribution Bay.
Each PDF bay contains load fuses, capacitors, a load capacitor
charge tool, shunts to monitor the feeders from the Control and
Distribution Bay, a manually switchable ammeter, and a Remote
Peripheral Monitoring (RPM) module.