Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
Issue 6 September 1999
Retrofit of 415A Battery Plant 7 - 69
3. Turn on all rectifiers and verify that the plant voltage is set
to 151.9 volts.
4. Set the load to 140 amperes per rectifier.
5. Record the plant voltage. Verify that it is within 0.7 volts
of the setting in Step 3.
6. Allow the plant to run at this load for at least 16 hours.
7. At the end of the allotted time, record the plant voltage.
Verify that it is within 0.7 volts of the setting in Step 3.
8. Reduce the load to 0 amperes and record the plant voltage.
Verify that it is within 0.7 volts of the setting in Step 3.
9. Remove the load. The plant is now ready to be connected
to the office load.
Heat Scan
After one hour into the 16-hour full Load Test, perform a heat
scan on the following connections using an Exergen or
equivalent device:
1. Scan rectifier connections made in each power distribution
service cabinet (PDSC) during the installation process.
2. Scan ac and dc connections in each rectifier made during
the installation process.