Lucent Technologies 415B Battery Plant for 4ESS
Issue 6 September 1999
Retrofit of 415A Battery Plant 7 - 9
Two 4ESS
switches are powered by two independent 415B
Retrofit Battery Plants. Each 415B Retrofit Battery Plant
consists of one Power Distribution Service Cabinet (PDSC), a
Control and Distribution Bay, up to five rectifiers, up to three
battery strings, and a Galaxy Controller.
The secondary distribution will continue to use the existing ABC
(Area Bus Center) bays that will remain in place, along with the
existing battery strings and Enhanced Ground Current Monitor.
However, depending on the condition of the ABC distribution,
the new Power Distribution Bays could be installed.
Commercial ac is brought into two ac distribution panels and
sent to each rectifier in the plant. Each ac distribution panel is fed
from a separate input circuit breaker, ideally from a different
power station. There is only one ac distribution panel per battery
plant, which can either be free standing or wall mounted. One of
three ac input voltage levels may be utilized for the rectifiers in
the plant: 208V, 240V, or 480V at 60 hertz. Three-phase power
is required.
There are a maximum of five rectifiers in the plant, each having
its own circuit breaker located in one of the ac distribution
panels. The circuit breakers are the type that may be tagged and
locked out for safety. Normally, each ac distribution panel feeds
five rectifiers. Refer to Figure 7-3.
The two independent plants are labeled Battery Plant “A”
and Battery Plant “B”. The dc output cables between the
rectifiers and the Control and Distribution Bay of each
plant are different colors for clarification purpose. The
cables are colored as follows:
Battery Plant “A” - Red and Red with Black Tracer
Battery Plant “B” - Blue and Blue with Black Tracer