One of the GlobalMap Sport’s™ features is the ability to save locations in
memory. These locations are called “waypoints”. They’re useful for mark-
ing shipwrecks, hot fishing or hunting spots, hiking trails, and other loca-
tions. Storing waypoints in the GlobalMap Sport™’s memory makes it
easy to return to any point in the world by simply pressing a few buttons.
The GlobalMap Sport™ can store up to 250 waypoints. You can store
your present position, the cursor’s location, or enter latitude/longitude po-
sitions as waypoint locations.
Saving Your Present Position as a Waypoint (Quick Save Method)
To save your present position, simply press the
WPT key twice. The GlobalMap Sport™ puts
your position into the first available waypoint
number. A message appears on the display
telling you the waypoint number it just used.
This also places you in the waypoint menu as
shown below. Anytime this menu is showing,
simply press the WPT key and the unit will store
your present position in the waypoint list. Wait
a few seconds and the menu will clear auto-
matically, or press the EXIT key to erase the
waypoint menu.
Saving The Cursor Position as a Waypoint
When the cursor is showing on the map and you press the WPT key
twice, the GlobalMap Sport™ puts the
position into the first avail-
able waypoint number. A message appears on the display telling you the
waypoint number it just used. This also places you in the waypoint menu
as shown below. Wait a few seconds and the menu will clear automati-
cally or press the EXIT key to erase the waypoint menu.
Saving Your Present Position as a Waypoint
(Select Number Method)
The method shown above doesn’t let you
choose the waypoint number. You can pick the
waypoint number, then save your present po-
sition. To do this, first press the WPT key once.
A screen similar to the one at right appears.