that you wish to erase. Press the ENT key when you’re ready to erase the
icon. A message appears, asking you if you want to delete that icon. Press
the left arrow key to erase it. If you wish to delete another icon, move the
cursor over it and press the ENT key. When you’re finished, press the
EXIT key to erase the cursor.
The windows feature gives you over 45 different displays that you can
arrange in 15 different groups. This lets you customize the unit to your
own situations.
To use the windows feature, press the MODE
key, then press the up or down arrow keys until
the black box surrounds the “GROUP A” label
as shown below. Windows has 15 different pre-
programmed groups: A through O. Group “A”
is visible in the background when you switch
to the windows groups. To view each group,
simply press the right or left arrow key while
the mode menu is showing. Each group shows
in the background as you press the arrow keys.
When you see the group you want to use, simply press the EXIT key to
erase the mode menu.
Special Windows
Although most of the windows used in the GlobalMap Sport™ are self-
explanatory, there are several windows that have special features or can
be used in unique ways. The following section describes these windows.
Satellite Information Screen (Group A)
This screen shows technical information about
the status of the GPS receiver. The receiver
has five channels. Data for each channel is
shown at the top of the display. The channels
are numbered one through five on the left side
of the screen. Every satellite in the constella-
tion has a number assigned to it, called the
PRN. The TRK column shows a "T" if the chan-
nel is tracking the satellite, or a "S" if it is search-
ing for it. ELV is the elevation of the satellite
above the horizon; AZM is the azimuth, or direction from your location.
SNR is the signal-to-noise ratio. The higher the SNR, the better.
If you look at row one in the satellite info screen above, channel 1 is