Chapter 10: Troubleshooting
LEDs & Buttons
Network Storage System (NSS) Administrator Guide
LEDs & Buttons
The LEDs on the front and back of the NSS chassis help you troubleshoot a variety of conditions on
the NSS--from normal operating condition, alerts, to serious error conditions. The
button lets
you restore the network defaults in situations where you can no longer log into the configuration
Power LED (Front Panel)
The Power LED can be in any of the following states, depending on the current state of the NSS:
Solid Yellow:
The NSS is powered on and the boot loader is currently running. The boot
loader will run for approximately 10 seconds at the beginning of the startup of the NSS, after
which the LED goes to a blinking green.
Blinking Yellow:
The network configuration factory defaults are being reset. When resetting
the network defaults, hold down the
button until you see the power LED flash yellow
Solid Green:
The NSS is powered up and finished booting.
Blinking Green:
The NSS is either booting up or shutting down.
Alternating Yellow & Green:
The firmware update is currently in progress.
The NSS is either disconnected from a power source or has finished the shutdown
process and can be safely disconnected from a power source.
System LED (Front Panel)
The System LED can be in any of the following conditions, depending on the current type of system
error on the NSS: