Chapter 8: End User Access
UNIX/Linux Users: Accessing Storage through NFS
Network Storage System (NSS) Administrator Guide
UNIX/Linux Users: Accessing Storage through NFS
UNIX/Linux users can access shares on the NSS via NFS. Due to the way that the NSS implements
NFS file access privileges, only NFSv3 is supported. In order for NFS access privileges to work
correctly, you must have the NSS joined to an NIS domain.
You must have root privileges to your client system to create an NFS mount.
1. Log into client system as root.
2. Create a mount point directory for the mount if you do not already have one (e.g., mkdir
3. Mount the NFS share by typing "mount -t nfs -o nfsvers=3 <IP address/hostname>:<mount point
path on NSS> <mount point path on client>". The mount point path on the NSS appears in the
4. Log out of the root account.
5. Log into the user account on client system.
You should now have access to the share via the mount point directory on your client. You will
have the same privileges to the share as defined for the NSS.