Columns: ID | X | Y | Z
The first column of the table shows the ID, the other columns show the X, Y and Z coordinates.
Three rows are displayed for each ID:
Nom: This row shows the nominal values as entered on the
Edit the nominal points
page of
the wizard (if applicable, scaled by the nominal scaling factor).
Act: This row shows the measured points after they have been transformed to the nominal
Dev: This row is displayed in red on a gray background and shows the deviation between
actual point and nominal point.
Coordinates that have been grayed out on the
Edit the nominal points
page will be excluded
from the calculation and are therefore displayed in gray.
Rotation / Translation
These fields display the calculated rotation (in degrees) and translation (in millimeters).
The statistics provide information on the best fit. The first line shows the maximum 3D
deviation and the ID for which the deviation was determined. The second line indicates the
minimum 3D deviation and the corresponding ID, followed by the mean 3D deviation and the
3D standard deviation.